AsterionG2A 5vs5 vs. Polish Eagles Division
Contestants Parameters

 AsterionG2A 5vs5
 Polish Eagles Division
Status: closed
MatchID 33636300
Date Monday, 18 April 19:10
Calculated Monday, 18 April 19:41
Round Round of 128
best_of 3
map1 Himmelsdorf (Standard Battle; Encounter; Attack/Defense)
map2 Himmelsdorf (Standard Battle; Encounter; Attack/Defense)
map3 Ghost Town (Standard Battle; Attack/Defense)
wg_match_id1 6830428639675557205
wg_match_id2 3385066205721928748
wg_match_id3 3405861949821921255
wg_switch_sides_round 1
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1 : 2
Polish Eagles Division wins !
Monday, 18 April 19:43
uploaded with ESL Wire
701 kB, Monday, 18 April 19:43, by 9750716 (ASTG2A)
Monday, 18 April 19:43
uploaded with ESL Wire
908 kB, Monday, 18 April 19:43, by 9750716 (ASTG2A)
Monday, 18 April 19:44
uploaded with ESL Wire
680 kB, Monday, 18 April 19:44, by 9750716 (ASTG2A)

AsterionG2A 5vs5

Polish Eagles Division

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