Contacts & Buddies
Kevin 'TheDeadZone' van Huit  id: 6424986
Name Kevin van Huit
Nick TheDeadZone
Member since 07/12/11
Age / Gender 27 Years / male
Nationality  Netherlands
Territory Netherlands
Main team WUSA
Homepage --
If you have any questions regarding my team or me, message me on skype (kevin 'thedeadzone' van Huit)  more...  
Level & Awards
  3 Awards  
World of Tanks
World of Tanks Generals
Recent matches
  WoT Generals 1on1 Community Cup #1 Europe
loss 7388707  0 Friday, 07/08/15 13:10
  World of Tanks 1on1 ESL Series
loss 8343656  -20 Thursday, 22/05/14 16:30 2
win 8384163  +26 Monday, 19/05/14 10:30 4
win 7101864  +25 Tuesday, 13/05/14 16:30 7
win 8348281  +26 Monday, 12/05/14 16:30 6
win 8338505  +25 Monday, 12/05/14 10:30 6
win 8384796  +24 Friday, 09/05/14 10:30 1
win 8300482  +25 Thursday, 08/05/14 16:30 1
  World of Tanks 1on1 Christmas Cup 2013
loss 6413513  0 Friday, 27/12/13 13:30 1
win (bye)  Friday, 27/12/13 13:00
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