You Dont Know Me - WoT vs. The French Way : Reverse
Status: closed |
MatchID |
34918595 |
Date |
Sunday, 14 May 15:00 |
Calculated |
Sunday, 14 May 15:28 |
Round |
Round of 128 |
best_of |
3 |
best_of |
3 |
map1 |
Cliff (Standard Battle; Attack/Defense) |
map2 |
Cliff (Standard Battle; Attack/Defense) |
map3 |
Steppes (Standard Battle; Encounter; Attack/Defense) |
wg_match_id1 |
6573872940323972305 |
wg_match_id2 |
7043586953985400847 |
wg_match_id3 |
wg_switch_sides_round |
1 |
wg_switch_sides_round |
1 |
Match setup (enter result, reschedule) Upload match media (screenshots, demos)
0 |
: |
2 |
The French Way : Reverse wins !
The French Way : Reverse
You Dont Know Me - WoT