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Go4Overwatch (PC) Europe Cup #41
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12.03.17 Movistar Riders Detail
12.03.17 ECV eSports Detail

Go4Overwatch (PC) Europe Cup #37
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12.02.17 Nerf Gaming Detail

Go4Overwatch (PC) Europe Cup #33
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15.01.17 GamersOrigin Detail
15.01.17 Team GoldRush Detail
15.01.17 Mäktiga Kraftscouter Detail
15.01.17 Red Planet Esports Detail

Go4Overwatch (PC) Europe Cup #32
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08.01.17 OW.QQ Detail
08.01.17 BEESWARM.eu Detail

Go4Overwatch (PC) Europe Cup #25
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20.11.16 Normandus.Int Detail
20.11.16 Hexagone eSports.OW Detail

Go4Overwatch (PC) Europe Cup #23
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06.11.16 Oslo Lions EK Detail

Overwatch (PC) 6on6 All Stars #2 Europe
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01.11.16 Sovereign Detail

Go4Overwatch (PC) Europe Cup #22
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30.10.16 grand danois Detail
30.10.16 Team Seizure Overwatch Detail