Rating Venom.CoD4 

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Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
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28.03.10 CLIPTEK.de - laPLAY Detail
14.03.10 Gods Security Service Detail
21.02.10 illmatiX Detail
18.02.10 myWarplace.honorary Detail
10.02.10 TBA 1234 gg Detail
09.02.10 th_Clan Detail
08.02.10 Platinum-eSports gg Detail
01.11.09 paradox Xtrem elite Detail
07.10.09 paradox Xtrem elite Detail
20.09.09 exGFevo Detail
24.08.09 Platinum-eSports Detail
09.08.09 The-lost-minds nicht schlecht Jungs, gut gespielt.. Detail
05.08.09 placeholder7 Detail
24.07.09 th_Clan Detail
23.07.09 Airborne Multigaming Detail
23.07.09 1Member gg Detail
05.07.09 Best Friends gg Detail
28.12.08 diV4-Gaming - Muay Thai Detail
21.12.08 schwarze Schafe gg Detail
19.12.08 Majestic Mainteam Detail
18.12.08 BESTIAL eSports - Mainbase Detail
11.12.08 Teamoxid nett und gut thx 4 war Detail
10.12.08 KSD Detail
09.12.08 Cologne Fighting Dogs GG jungs Detail
07.12.08 Gelöscht v4 Detail
05.12.08 closed abcde gg Detail
27.11.08 cleZz.COD4 Detail
26.11.08 Silent Knights - Ladder gg Detail
25.11.08 RevivalCrew 2 gg, faires spiel Detail
24.11.08 quadaver.cod4 Detail
20.11.08 IMPULZ Detail
16.10.08 Paradox Xtrem Elite MainTeam Detail
15.10.08 Platzhalter drölf!!! haben uns ewig warten lassen Detail
14.10.08 UniTed-OZ CoD4 passt Detail
13.10.08 logiX e.V. old gg Detail
12.10.08 Unreal Tournament City Call of Duty 4 net fair Detail
11.09.08 in Memory of inFACT e.V. Detail
07.09.08 My Deadline Cup gg Detail
27.08.08 SerienJunkies Detail
13.08.08 in memory of cHaos eSport CoD4 Detail
10.08.08 schwarze Schafe netter gegner, gerne wieder Detail
07.08.08 vTo.The Dismissed Detail
06.08.08 neXT-Generation A-Team Detail
27.07.08 UniTed-OZ CoD4 Detail
17.07.08 r0sgaming geiles spiel.... Detail
16.07.08 PuppenKiste gg nettes spiel Detail
15.07.08 NiCHT iN BENUTZUNG Nett und Fair !! Cooles Team ! Detail
10.07.08 hoorizon.eu - CS:S Female Detail
10.07.08 Bavarian Raptors Detail
03.07.08 EnRo GRIFFINS closed goesBO Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
21.02.10 In7 - eSports COD4 Detail
05.11.09 aQianer MW2 Detail
29.10.09 da cancellare Detail
18.10.09 MUTschATschO.o0 Detail
15.10.09 Game - Foundation Team l1ke Detail
15.10.09 Chillys World Gaming Detail
30.09.09 btc-gaming.eu Detail
20.09.09 RedArmy Detail
30.08.09 Game - Foundation Team l1ke Detail
04.08.09 ICED eSportz Detail
02.08.09 The Ugly Smiley Crew Detail
26.07.09 exGFevo Detail
22.07.09 RedArmy Detail
20.07.09 IN MEMORY OF UNIKAT CoD4 Detail
13.07.09 Team Convexx Detail
12.07.09 closed! FLAME FLAME FLAME Detail
07.07.09 in Memory KomaCrew.Tagan CoD4 Detail
02.07.09 Hungarian Elite Gamers Detail
08.04.09 schwarze Schafe Detail
07.04.09 Wo ist der JacK? Detail
06.04.09 xTrar.CoD4 gg Detail
05.04.09 In Memory of EYES ON U Detail
05.04.09 Les Anciens <3 BIG PING (150) Detail
25.03.09 My Deadline Cup gg Detail
05.02.09 logiX e.V. Detail
04.02.09 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Detail
31.01.09 Die Fernfahrer/innen gg Detail
05.01.09 Die Fernfahrer/innen Detail
21.12.08 RCTIC eSports club Detail
14.12.08 Wo ist der JacK? Detail
10.12.08 overGame Ladder Detail
30.11.08 In memory of Frittenbude Detail
27.11.08 GUN-COD4 FUN Detail
25.11.08 Gelöscht v4 Detail
24.11.08 Wo ist der JacK? Detail
23.11.08 Majestic Mainteam camp ftw Detail
13.11.08 Unamed.cod4 Detail
12.11.08 smqcke & ickez gg Detail
09.11.08 In loving Memory Cod4 fair und guter gegner Detail
06.11.08 GladiatoReS Detail
06.11.08 team rListic - Rapid Esports GG Detail
05.11.08 Unamed.cod4 Detail
03.11.08 summer incomming gg Detail
02.11.08 INRI Detail
29.10.08 TBA 1234 gg gerne wieder Detail
28.10.08 Fear Clan Detail
28.10.08 Wo ist der JacK? Detail
27.10.08 team cohesive alles bestens! Detail
26.10.08 MayheM gg Detail
26.10.08 schwarze Schafe gg, netter gegner gerne wieder Detail
26.10.08 Task Force Division Detail
23.10.08 Deal with Death Detail
22.10.08 Verrat ich nicht Detail
22.10.08 Team fuZion - Ladder.Cup Detail
21.10.08 Noobs in Arms Detail
20.10.08 New Era Revolution eSports Detail
20.10.08 GladiatoReS nice war Detail
19.10.08 Closed-januar gg Detail
19.10.08 Pokaaruuuuuuuuuum gg Detail
19.10.08 Squad ''Siberian Bears'' Detail
14.10.08 xtreme GAMING.CoD4 Detail
13.10.08 all-Control Detail
12.10.08 Unamed.cod4 GG Detail
09.10.08 overGame Ladder Detail
08.10.08 utoK-gaming Detail
08.10.08 N3RO -Team Detail
08.10.08 lagz0rs - Call of Duty 4 Detail

Call of Duty 4 League Summer 2009 Promod Playoffs
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25.10.09 just-Trolling Cup gg Detail

Call of Duty 4 League Summer 2009 Promod Groupstage
created from rating comment match
23.08.09 ipt spring & summer cup 2009 Detail
02.08.09 SweTPT Detail
26.07.09 The Ugly Smiley Crew Detail

Call of Duty 4 League Spring 2009 Promod Groupstage
created from rating comment match
31.05.09 utoK-gaming GG Detail
24.05.09 rockit.CoD gg Detail
17.05.09 nRage CoD IV Altes Team Detail
10.05.09 Combined Forces Alpen.CoD4 gg Detail
06.05.09 Thunderbirds Good Game :) Detail
27.04.09 inactive-1234 unfreundlich, ansonsten gg Detail
19.04.09 BananaTeam Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod Promod Search & Destroy 5on5 Quick Cup 4
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15.04.09 Die Team-Ersatzbank #2 gutes,knappes spiel jungs Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
10.04.09 LANNO cod 4 Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 MR12 Oster-Cup #2 Promod
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06.04.09 wonderful Detail

Call of Duty 4 League Winter 2009 Playoffs
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31.03.09 DANKO gg Detail

Call of Duty 4 League Winter 2008 Promod Groupstage
created from rating comment match
02.03.09 Minipony Detail
16.02.09 in Memory of blank.cod4 Detail
22.01.09 team isnomore Detail
19.01.09 Storm group Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod 5on5 Quick Cup 3
created from rating comment match
03.02.09 Team Menace.fi Detail
02.02.09 endeimgelände Detail

Call of Duty 4 League Autumn 2008 Promod Third Div Playoffs
created from rating comment match
02.11.08 Slithers.COD4 Detail

Call of Duty 4 League Autumn 2008 Promod Third Division
created from rating comment match
01.10.08 inspired gaming Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder (PAM)
created from rating comment match
21.09.08 in Memory of GIVE IT ALL Detail
18.09.08 ClazziX.eSports schlechter Server und unfaires verhalten Detail
08.09.08 The eXpend.s * Mutterteam* Detail
04.09.08 Heroes in Trouble no AEQ, new-join net erlaubt obwohl wir dies getan haben...einer während match afk... Detail
16.08.08 just-Trolling Cup gg Detail
26.07.08 Ghosts of Death gg Detail
21.07.08 My Deadline Cup gg netter gegner Detail
13.07.08 NiceOne-Crew.CoD4. Detail
13.07.08 love protest Verleumdung von wegen wir hätten WH... Detail
24.06.08 Team4Gamers.CoD4 gg Detail
08.06.08 Oceans gg Detail
01.06.08 love protest Detail
22.05.08 FGP.X-Ray CoD4 Detail
18.05.08 contra Gaming Detail
06.05.08 RiFFs.CoD4 gg Detail
29.04.08 TBA 1234 gg Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Quick Cup 4
created from rating comment match
15.09.08 Es war ne geile Zeit..Mypwny gg Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Quick Cup #18
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13.09.08 5 Kings CoD4 Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder_old
created from rating comment match
10.09.08 Team luRana - CoD4 ESL humbulabumbula Detail
31.08.08 ins4ne nächste mal vorher anfrage, ansonsten sehr nett Detail
18.08.08 faTal.GRS Detail
03.07.08 hoorizon.eu - CS:S Female Detail
26.06.08 Team Omega.cod4 atcons Detail
19.06.08 Game - Foundation Team ' Die Gallier ' Detail
05.06.08 Team-Lila Detail
31.05.08 Team Phönix Detail
26.05.08 Team4Gamers Bravo 3on3 Squad Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Summercup Series August Q3
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01.09.08 HIGHBOT COD4 Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Summercup Series July Q2
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15.07.08 NCS Gaming Detail
14.07.08 utoK-gaming DE Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Bundesliga Quali Cup #2
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08.07.08 My Deadline Cup Detail

Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Old Ladder
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09.04.08 Team-04 Detail
06.04.08 SoH.ch CoD4 Detail
23.03.08 GOOOOOOOGLE Detail