Rating Kruglins 

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R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #304 Europe
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29.12.18 R3KTLESS Detail
29.12.18 Random Chibis Detail
29.12.18 MVPS Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Monthly Challenge #6 Russia&CIS
created from rating comment match
15.12.18 Shmoro4ka Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #296 Europe
created from rating comment match
24.11.18 TeamHealy 90 - 105 Ping Detail
24.11.18 Divine Warriors Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #294 Europe
created from rating comment match
17.11.18 Team FlaMe Detail
17.11.18 SunRise Detail
17.11.18 Blackice Gaming Detail
17.11.18 CashMoney Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #291 Europe
created from rating comment match
10.11.18 The Light's Gang Detail
10.11.18 PAX-Esports Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #219 Europe
created from rating comment match
21.04.18 Pingouins d'Afrique Detail
21.04.18 SaskiaWasser Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #114
created from rating comment match
15.04.18 Simple Gaming Detail
15.04.18 Swift is my Waifu Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #113
created from rating comment match
08.04.18 Buonanotte Detail

R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Com Cup #215 Europe
created from rating comment match
07.04.18 Line of Duty eSports Detail
07.04.18 IMPACT eSports Detail
07.04.18 Corvus Commembratus Enemy had 100 pings the whole match Detail

Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup #110
created from rating comment match
18.03.18 SpecGrupa Detail
18.03.18 Kool Zebras Detail