Rating LuckOfTheYearsMaybe? 

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Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #159
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12.08.18 Yaaa Yeeeeet Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #146
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13.05.18 TheNewOnes Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #134
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18.02.18 Momentum Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #131
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28.01.18 Red Reserve Detail
28.01.18 dizLown Detail
28.01.18 Phase eSports Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #104
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23.07.17 Nike Detail
23.07.17 bigtown boys Detail
23.07.17 ACT Detail
23.07.17 The Shadow Strikers Detail
23.07.17 ._. Detail
23.07.17 SerenityeSportsRL Detail
23.07.17 msaödmas Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #103
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16.07.17 Miscelators Detail
16.07.17 alltheRAGE ST Detail
16.07.17 Inspiration.. Detail
16.07.17 Electronik Generation Pro Detail
16.07.17 Incoming Detail
16.07.17 Baws-oot Battle-cars Detail
16.07.17 Still improving ggs! Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #102
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09.07.17 BlackBlueBeige Detail
09.07.17 Black Chicken Detail
09.07.17 Aurora Titans Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #100
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25.06.17 Low-key-Lit Detail
25.06.17 Mental C L I N I C C Detail
25.06.17 Frames Per Minute Detail
25.06.17 Earthbound Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #99
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18.06.17 Low-key-Lit One player turned his computer off at the end of the game and we waited over 10 minutes Detail
18.06.17 DuckerZ Detail
18.06.17 Convicted Team Detail
18.06.17 Mighty P!xels RL Auswahl Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #96
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28.05.17 a Frosch Detail
28.05.17 Wizards eSports Club Detail
28.05.17 My.Con Viper.Gaming Detail
28.05.17 TB - Team Balance Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #95
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21.05.17 Team WMB Detail
21.05.17 Scary Mysterylineup Detail
21.05.17 Kiss my shot Detail
21.05.17 Going in Dry Detail
21.05.17 Kyrex Remastered Detail
21.05.17 QSG Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #94
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14.05.17 Acrimonie Detail
14.05.17 Disguised in Wolves Detail
14.05.17 L4Luck Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #93
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07.05.17 Exause Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #82
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19.02.17 Nordavind Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe January 2017 Finals
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13.02.17 Team Brexit Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #79
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29.01.17 Mentally Sweating Detail
29.01.17 FireWall Detail
29.01.17 Peanut butter shit Detail
29.01.17 Rocket Paper Scissors Detail
29.01.17 Professional Failures Detail
29.01.17 GermanArmy Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #78
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22.01.17 TrBl Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #76
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08.01.17 Get Hammered. Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #75
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01.01.17 Runde 2 ist möglich Detail
01.01.17 RoyalAirForce Detail
01.01.17 RL.eXtatus Detail
01.01.17 eMonkeyz Detail
01.01.17 KERE Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #74
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23.12.16 40 hours on controller Detail
23.12.16 Team Vexlys Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #73
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18.12.16 Vivi's Cult Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #72
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11.12.16 Pheonix Detail
11.12.16 Coppertones Detail
11.12.16 FrostFang Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #71
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04.12.16 Clear Eyes Detail
04.12.16 The Crazy dutch crew Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #70
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27.11.16 TURN BRAIN ON Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #69
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20.11.16 Siiiick! Detail
20.11.16 Tranquil Elevation Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #68
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13.11.16 Who dis?! Detail

Go4RocketLeague Europe Cup #66
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30.10.16 Team Extinction Detail
30.10.16 RoyalAirForce Detail
30.10.16 Myth-s Legion . RL . Detail