
Place Placement Rewards
medal_gold_3.png 1st-3rd. The top 3 teams will be invited to the Closed Qualifier starting on 7th December


도움이 더 필요하십니까? 대회 기간중에 참가하는 모든 선수들은 Discord #r6-siege 채널에 조인하셔서 대기하여 주십시오 Discord 서버 또는 열람 티켓 지원.


Is this your first time? Here are the important steps:

  • Follow the instructions on the right to sign up
  • If check in is enabled, make sure to check in on time
  • Wait for your first match to show up on the right
  • Get in contact with your opponent and play the match
  • Enter the result and ask your opponent to confirm
  • Wait for your next match

Still need help? During the cup, use Discord chat if it is available, otherwise please contact support.

Match related issues must be handled via match protest.

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