Counterfeit  id: 429253
CPU Intel Q9550
RAM 4x 2GB Corsair 1066
Videocard Zotac GTX 295
Soundcard Xi-Fi Extreme Music
Storage 3x 500GB Seagate SATA RAID 5
Motherboard ASUS P5Q Pro Turbo
Display Samsung 24"
OS Windows 7 Pro
Mouse Razer Diamonback
Keyboard Logitech G15
Headphones Speed Link Medusa 5.1
Connection 1und1 16Mbit
Wheel/Pedals Logitech Force Feedback
Joypad Logitech Wireless RumblePad
Sound system Teufel Concept E + Decoder Station
Drink Weizen-/Altbier
Food Chinesisch
Movie StarWars 1-6
Music Boysetsfire, SOAD, Fire in the Attic, Rise Against
Song Rookie
Person Counterfeit
Sport Eishockey
Athlete DEG
Map Gulf of Oman
Clan Kinetic Energy
Player Counterfeit
Game Hero Counterfeit
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2
Website 3 http://www.battlefield2-n..