Bl4diii  id: 1621868
CPU 9600 Quad-Core
RAM 3,5
Videocard HD6870
Display 19 TFT 2ms
Mouse Logitech G5
Keyboard Logitech G15
Headphones Sennheiser Pc 165
Console(s) Super Nitendo
Drink 43er
Food Steak, Ente
Movie Resindent Evil
Music House & Black
Actor / Actress Megan Fox hr hr hr
Car Audi R8

Yo, im Marcel "Bl4diii" 31 years old living in Germany near Hannover. And i have a great four years old daughter. I play CoD2 since 2007 - ESL, CLANBASE and now on with my mainteam "team eyeshow [DE]"


The Last Stand: Vole 2022 - Praque ( Bl4diii, raptr, exel, furbyX, ps!ho )

TLSF CoD2 - Prague
( Bl4diii, gObl, vans, raptr, nedlog )

CoD2 LANS Forgotten Soldiers Munich ( Bl4diii, vans, gObl, maavv & jiNNstr )

The Last Stand Anyad Munich ( Bl4diii, vans, gObl, nedlog, eulb )

COD2 LAN 2019 Prague TLS Resurrection Praque ( Bl4diii, raptr, gObl, eulb, nedlog