Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (36) Replay Archive (8) Awards (1) Contacts & Buddies (14) Rating Gameaccounts History Sebastian 'Zgoni' Zgonina id: 707153 created Platform action 11/02/04 17:53h first_login 11/02/04 17:55h join_team logiX e.V. (639660) 04/05/04 08:33h team_kick logiX e.V. (639660) 07/05/04 18:58h join_team logiX e.V. (639660) 25/02/05 14:15h register_team Deleted account (1141300) 25/02/05 14:16h register_team Deleted account (1141303) 15/10/06 14:00h join_team Deleted account (2086230) 09/06/07 10:42h team_kick Deleted account (2086230) 20/07/08 07:25h join_team (3376561) 11/08/08 12:46h join_team Deleted account (3429630) 16/09/08 09:17h join_team Deleted account (3499015) 17/09/08 13:46h join_team SNOGARD Dragons (3000548) 29/09/08 13:23h first_login_esltv 25/10/08 04:10h first_login_eslworld 10/02/09 13:25h join_team SQUN (1951196) 11/02/09 00:13h join_team fabzRRR FanClub (3856118) 13/02/09 04:45h team_kick SQUN (1951196) / by WerkoS (1591239) 13/02/09 13:11h join_team SQUN (1951196) 25/02/09 11:17h team_kick SNOGARD Dragons (3000548) / by Nils (587196) 20/03/09 17:12h join_team Deleted account (3972876) 29/03/09 09:07h join_team Deleted account (3995972) 02/04/09 03:00h leave_team Deleted account (3972876) 02/04/09 03:00h leave_team Deleted account (3995972) 02/04/09 06:56h join_team America's Army 2.x is Awesome (3768821) 03/04/09 02:40h join_team German Military Association (4008513) 14/04/09 05:36h join_team Born2Die Fanbase and Friends (4040119) 15/04/09 11:54h join_team In Memory of 2on2 AAO Team (3967497) 21/04/09 02:51h join_team EnRo GRIFFINS AAO (4061547) 23/04/09 04:13h leave_team SQUN (1951196) 29/04/09 15:30h join_team fabzjE ft. mazL (4084017) 08/05/09 10:56h team_kick German Military Association (4008513) / by wisNia (1942134) 08/05/09 11:00h team_kick In Memory of 2on2 AAO Team (3967497) / by wisNia (1942134) 21/05/09 12:59h join_team Deleted account (4126729) 21/05/09 14:59h leave_team Deleted account (4126729) 21/05/09 15:06h join_team Deleted account (4126730) 22/05/09 01:03h leave_team Deleted account (4126730) 21/08/09 06:02h join_team not_in_use #1 (4326070) 31/10/09 14:21h team_kick Deleted account (3429630) / by Deleted account (3250322) 11/12/09 06:39h team_kick logiX e.V. (639660) / by fabz51 (2799885) 25/12/09 04:11h leave_team (3376561) 27/12/09 08:00h join_team Deleted account (4677429) 28/12/09 09:41h join_team Deleted account (4689025) 28/12/09 09:48h leave_team Born2Die Fanbase and Friends (4040119) 28/12/09 09:48h leave_team Deleted account (4677429) 28/12/09 09:49h leave_team fabzRRR FanClub (3856118) 28/12/09 09:49h leave_team not_in_use #1 (4326070) 28/12/09 10:43h join_team logiX e.V. (639660) 28/12/09 11:03h change_xfire -> zgoni 06/01/10 15:11h team_kick Deleted account (4689025) / by Deleted account (4628359) 08/01/10 07:08h team_kick fabzjE ft. mazL (4084017) / by fabz51 (2799885) 09/01/10 23:04h team_kick logiX e.V. (639660) / by zuLLEE (3338434) 16/01/10 16:33h join_team German Military Association (4008513) 19/01/10 16:14h increase_trustlevel 0 -> 1 31/01/10 05:45h team_kick EnRo GRIFFINS AAO (4061547) / by fabz51 (2799885) 15/02/10 10:01h join_team Germany (4656510) 19/02/10 20:20h join_team logiX e.V. (639660) 19/02/10 20:21h join_team EnRo GRIFFINS AAO (4061547) 01/03/10 10:01h join_team High FiDelity AAO (4876954) 01/03/10 10:20h join_team fabzjE ft. mazL (4084017) 01/03/10 10:21h leave_team German Military Association (4008513) 01/03/10 10:22h join_team VteXx.Eagles (3172760) 05/03/10 10:41h team_kick logiX e.V. (639660) / by fabz51 (2799885) 12/03/10 05:21h team_kick fabzjE ft. mazL (4084017) / by fabz51 (2799885) 15/03/10 12:50h register_team Deleted account (4933600) 26/03/10 06:57h join_team logiX e.V. (639660) 31/03/10 13:19h join_team fabzjE ft. mazL (4084017) 03/04/10 17:59h join_team The Secret 23! (4924210) 03/04/10 18:09h join_team Anexis eSports e.V. (1974649) 23/04/10 12:55h join_team High Fidelity AAO (5027591) 25/04/10 04:03h team_kick VteXx.Eagles (3172760) / by k0rnii. (2807530) 10/05/10 13:10h join_team Draft Team #4 (5061733) 13/05/10 13:00h team_kick Draft Team #4 (5061733) / by Reality (3222345) 24/05/10 13:20h join_team Draft Team #5 (5061734) 04/06/10 15:46h join_team not_in_use #1 (4326070) 14/06/10 07:30h team_kick Draft Team #5 (5061734) / by Reality (3222345) 22/06/10 14:15h team_kick logiX e.V. (639660) / by fabz51 (2799885) 28/06/10 12:14h first_login_sm 05/07/10 12:50h join_team Draft Team #5 (5061734) 19/07/10 11:59h team_kick Draft Team #5 (5061734) / by Reality (3222345) 11/09/10 16:51h team_kick Deleted account (4933600) / by Deleted account (3851851) 27/09/10 15:09h team_kick fabzjE ft. mazL (4084017) / by fabz51 (2799885) 27/12/10 18:52h team_kick Germany (4656510) / by Deleted account (5475383) 14/01/12 18:33h decrease_trustlevel 1 -> 0 01/07/12 08:28h team_kick The Secret 23! (4924210) / by fabz51 (2799885) 12/02/13 08:10h join_team The Secret 23! (4924210) 31/10/13 06:46h join_team German Military Association (8005094) 25/11/13 15:51h join_team Celadon Sports (8072069) 02/12/13 11:07h join_team HALTS MAUL UND SPIEL! (6651334) 02/12/13 13:25h join_team Celadon Sports (7150843) 09/02/14 15:17h team_kick High Fidelity AAO (5027591) / by dnz (3046806) 12/04/14 13:25h team_kick Celadon Sports (8072069) / by dnz (3046806) 23/07/14 12:13h team_kick Celadon Sports (7150843) / by dnz (3046806) 21/01/15 06:34h team_kick Deleted account (6040764) / by Deleted account (804479) 21/01/15 15:04h join_team -ser!ous.Gaming (8649036) 18/08/24 09:06h team_kick High FiDelity AAO (4876954) / by Daemon (3) 18/08/24 09:06h team_kick HALTS MAUL UND SPIEL! (6651334) / by Daemon (3) 18/08/24 09:06h team_kick America's Army 2.x is Awesome (3768821) / by Daemon (3) 18/08/24 09:06h team_kick EnRo GRIFFINS AAO (4061547) / by Daemon (3) 18/08/24 09:06h team_kick not_in_use #1 (4326070) / by Daemon (3) 18/08/24 09:06h team_kick The Secret 23! (4924210) / by Daemon (3) 18/08/24 09:06h team_kick -ser!ous.Gaming (8649036) / by Daemon (3) 18/08/24 09:06h team_kick German Military Association (8005094) / by Daemon (3)