created | Platform | action |
11/04/05 09:15h | first_login | |
14/05/05 11:34h | register_team Deleted account (1244597) | |
22/05/05 11:27h | register_team Deleted account (1255557) | |
17/09/05 17:52h | join_team Ic3 Frogs (1428167) | |
14/12/05 17:07h | join_team Legends of HcP (1251878) | |
02/01/06 13:23h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
10/02/06 18:16h | join_team wir (1413666) | |
13/02/06 07:16h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
16/02/06 13:57h | join_league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
16/02/06 14:41h | join_league Ger ICQ Games RPS Online 1on1 Ladder | |
17/04/06 16:57h | join_team Fanta Fanclub (1692275) | |
27/04/06 16:52h | join_team Deleted account (1536066) | |
12/06/06 16:42h | join_team Deleted account (1278968) | |
16/06/06 17:51h | join_team Two on fire (1545661) | |
18/06/06 12:31h | join_league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
02/07/06 15:14h | join_team Fighters of Honor (264250) | |
03/07/06 12:51h | team_kick Fighters of Honor (264250) | |
15/08/06 15:21h | team_kick Deleted account (1278968) / by (--) | |
19/10/06 11:38h | join_team Team 2006 EAS (2088754) | |
03/11/06 08:32h | increase_trustlevel 1 -> 3 | |
15/12/06 08:53h | join_team 06 is G.A.I.L. (1636022) | |
08/01/07 17:01h | register_team hamb.eSport (2235135) | |
10/01/07 15:49h | join_team mr12 bootcamp (2235410) | |
07/02/07 10:19h | join_team Deleted account (2291746) | |
07/02/07 18:05h | join_team closed (2289361) | |
24/02/07 08:37h | team_kick Deleted account (1536066) | |
24/02/07 10:05h | join_team X4 G A T H E R ACC (2317417) | |
24/02/07 14:34h | team_kick Deleted account (2291746) | |
15/03/07 12:41h | join_team X4 (1106826) | |
23/03/07 12:53h | join_team Muffen Basher (1821901) | |
07/04/07 19:42h | join_team love at first sight (726084) | |
12/04/07 19:14h | register_team Deleted account (2420305) | |
17/05/07 12:21h | join_team Niederrhein (2479753) | |
17/07/07 18:09h | join_team X4 (2609070) | |
25/07/07 10:53h | team_kick X4 (2609070) / by Deleted account (4) | |
16/11/07 08:08h | team_kick X4 (1106826) / by Deleted account (4) | |
19/11/07 04:23h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 3 | |
19/11/07 11:14h | first_login_esltv | |
06/10/09 09:32h | team_kick love at first sight (726084) / by qhiliqq (700461) | |
13/11/09 20:38h | decrease_trustlevel 3 -> 0 | |
26/10/11 12:10h | wanna_join_league Ger FIFA 12 1on1 Ladder | |
26/10/11 12:12h | join_league Ger FIFA 12 1on1 Ladder | |
07/12/11 20:07h | inactivity_kick Ger FIFA 12 1on1 Ladder | |
02/12/18 12:05h | team_kick Ic3 Frogs (1428167) / by Daemon (3) | |
02/12/18 12:05h | team_kick Legends of HcP (1251878) / by Daemon (3) | |
02/12/18 12:05h | team_kick X4 G A T H E R ACC (2317417) / by Daemon (3) | |
02/12/18 12:05h | team_kick closed (2289361) / by Daemon (3) | |
02/12/18 12:05h | team_kick Niederrhein (2479753) / by Daemon (3) | |
02/12/18 12:05h | team_kick mr12 bootcamp (2235410) / by Daemon (3) | |
02/12/18 12:05h | team_kick hamb.eSport (2235135) / by Daemon (3) | |
02/12/18 12:05h | team_kick Team 2006 EAS (2088754) / by Daemon (3) | |
02/12/18 12:05h | team_kick 06 is G.A.I.L. (1636022) / by Daemon (3) | |
02/12/18 12:05h | team_kick Muffen Basher (1821901) / by Daemon (3) | |
02/12/18 12:05h | team_kick Two on fire (1545661) / by Daemon (3) | |
02/12/18 12:05h | team_kick wir (1413666) / by Daemon (3) | |
02/12/18 12:05h | team_kick Fanta Fanclub (1692275) / by Daemon (3) |