
End of sign up: Wednesday, 13th July 2016 11:30 PST
Start of check in: Wednesday, 13th July 2016 11:30 PST
End of check in: Wednesday, 13th July 2016 11:45 PST
Start of late sign up: Wednesday, 13th July 2016 11:45 PST
End of late sign up: Wednesday, 13th July 2016 12:00 PST

Start of Day 1: Wednesday, 13th July 2016 12:00 PST
Start of Day 2: Thursday, 14th July 2016 12:00 PST

Game: Overwatch
Game ID: Overwatch (Americas)
Mode: 6on6, Single Elimination

Official Language: English
More information: Rules

Quick Rules

  • Game mode:
    • Round of 1024 - Round of 256: Best of One
    • Round of 128 - Round of 16: Best of Three
    • Quarterfinal: Best of Five
  • Maps: The first map will be preselected.
    The losing team of each map will be able to pick the next map
    • This weeks map pool: Gibraltar, King's Row, Volskaya, Liljiang Tower, Numbani, Dorado
  • Hero selection limit: 1 per team
    • All heroes are currently allowed
  • Disable kill cam: On
  • High bandwidth: On
  • Rule set: Competitive
General Rules:
  • Escort and Hybrid maps are decided by either a) pushing the payload further than the other team or b) reaching the final checkpoint faster.
  • In case of a tie on Assault, Hybrid of Escort a preset Best of Three Control map is to be played. The winner of the Control map will win the tied map.
    Please note: Control maps picked in from the map pool are to be played as a Best of Five
  • Recordings and/or screenshots from each round are required.

Atlantic Showdown matches are no longer using a point system. Matches are using the standard "Best of" system. All other settings are to be left as the default. For a full list of server settings, please refer to the rules page.


The top 4 placed teams of each qualifier will be seeded into the European ESL Overwatch Atlantic Showdown Final.

The final will consist of 16 teams that qualified through the open qualifier. The top 4 placed teams from the final will then qualify for the Atlantic Showdown at Gamescom in Cologne, Germany.

All qualified teams will have their travel and hotel paid for the duration of the event.


discordicon2.pngLooking for your opponents or need help? During the cup join ESL Overwatch on Discord, use the ESL Play App to chat with your opponent or open a support ticket.

Match related issues must be handled via match protest

ESL Play App