Quick Rules
- Mode: Best Of Three (BO3), Finals BO5
- Maps: Astral Forest will always be played as first map, afterwards it's always Loser's choice
- Matchmedia: Score screens need to be taken after each map
- Ship Class: Max. 10% total difference
- Lineups: Players can be swapped after each map as long as they are a member of the team
- Disconnects: If a disconnect takes place in the first 15 seconds of a match the game can be remade
1. | €200 |
Is this your first time? Here are the important steps:
- Follow the instructions on the right to sign up and check in
- If check in is enabled, make sure to check in on time
- Wait for your first match to show up on the right
- Get in contact with your opponent and play the match
- Enter the result and ask your opponent to confirm
- Wait for your next match
Don't have a team so far? Meet other gamer searching a team or teammembers in the Games General Forum
Still need help? Need more help? During the cup, use chat if it is available, otherwise please contact support