created | Platform | action |
13/05/14 10:57h | first_login_default | |
13/05/14 10:59h | join_team R-I-D i Cuccioli di Drago (8374280) | |
27/05/14 08:37h | wanna_join_league ITA World of Tanks 1on1 Ladder T8 | |
27/05/14 09:12h | join_league ITA World of Tanks 1on1 Ladder T8 | |
29/06/14 11:03h | join_team ESL Italy (1445589) | |
29/06/14 11:04h | join_team In Memory of ESL Italia .WoT (6580709) | |
01/07/14 15:44h | join_team Ciao Sorella! (8403806) | |
02/07/14 11:49h | team_kick Ciao Sorella! (8403806) / by GuLp (2655338) | |
19/07/14 19:06h | inactivity_kick ITA World of Tanks 1on1 Ladder T8 | |
30/09/14 14:47h | leave_team R-I-D i Cuccioli di Drago (8374280) | |
14/10/14 12:02h | join_team Reborn From the Ashes (8120990) | |
18/10/14 20:02h | first_login_esltv | |
04/12/14 17:03h | leave_team Reborn From the Ashes (8120990) | |
19/12/14 07:08h | wanna_join_league ITA World of Tanks 1on1 Fast NightCup Tier IX | |
25/01/15 16:31h | join_team Staff Global (8724340) | |
28/03/15 08:04h | join_team mannaggiaalclero (8740617) | |
07/04/15 18:11h | join_league ESL Play WoT 1on1 BAPI Internal Test Cup #1 Europe | |
08/04/15 16:30h | join_team Test Team Beta (8347413) | |
08/04/15 18:06h | join_team Test Team Alpha (8347408) | |
15/04/15 08:53h | first_login_esltv | |
10/08/16 14:51h | team_kick In Memory of ESL Italia .WoT (6580709) / by GuLp (2655338) | |
10/08/16 14:53h | team_kick Staff Global (8724340) / by GuLp (2655338) | |
10/08/16 14:57h | team_kick ESL Italy (1445589) / by GuLp (2655338) | |
15/01/20 17:16h | team_kick mannaggiaalclero (8740617) / by Daemon (3) | |
15/01/20 17:16h | team_kick Test Team Beta (8347413) / by Daemon (3) | |
15/01/20 17:16h | team_kick Test Team Alpha (8347408) / by Daemon (3) |