Quick Rules
How to signup
- To sign-in, follow the instructions on the right of this page
- 30 minutes before the start of the cup, you also have to check-in
- For the best mobile experience please download the ESL Play app on iOS or Android
How to play
- Open Clash Royale on your device.
- If you have an opponent, you will get an automatic invite
- Accept the match challenge and play the match.
- Wait a moment until the match is closed.
- If you have more matches to play, take on the challenges ahead as well.
- You can find tutorial on how to play here.
It is important that you are always ready to play. The time on the match page can vary from the time you will receive the invite. Play as soon as you get the invite!
Tournament Settings
- Match type: 1v1
- Match time: 3 minutes
- Mode: Best of 3
Decks & Cards
- A player can change their deck between battles.
- Players can use any cards they wish in their deck.
Every winner of each Staffcup will win a prize. They can choose between the following options:
* ESL Shop voucher with an amount of 50 €. (valid for all ESL products)
* Amazon voucher with an amount of 30 €
To claim your price please write a supportticket to Staffcups (Global). If you want to get more information about the prizes visit the Staffcups Portal.
To promote fairness to volunteers - employees (full-time or part-time) are not included in any raffles/drawing pots and wont get the ESL Shop prize when they win a Staffcup. Contractors are eligible for prizes if and only if they have been active as a Volunteer for several months.
* ESL Shop voucher with an amount of 50 €. (valid for all ESL products)
* Amazon voucher with an amount of 30 €
To claim your price please write a supportticket to Staffcups (Global). If you want to get more information about the prizes visit the Staffcups Portal.
To promote fairness to volunteers - employees (full-time or part-time) are not included in any raffles/drawing pots and wont get the ESL Shop prize when they win a Staffcup. Contractors are eligible for prizes if and only if they have been active as a Volunteer for several months.
Looking for your opponents or need help? During the cup join ESL Play on Discord and contact one of the Staffcups Admins.
Is this your first time? Here are the important steps:
- Read the related Staffcups News & check the cupinfo for details
- Follow the instructions on the right to sign up and check in
- If check in is enabled, make sure to check in on time
- Wait for your first match to show up on the right
- Get in contact with your opponent and play the match
- Enter the result and ask your opponent to confirm
- Wait for your next match
Still need help? Join #staffcups on ESL Play Discord for livesupport and contact the admins. Please dont open supports/protests!