Quick Rules

  • The Round System for the CFS: The Major European Championship 2017 is 9 Rounds (MR9) for both sides.
  • Round Time: 2 minutes 40 seconds
  • Allowed weapons: The list can be found in the rules under 2.3. Weapons, Characters, Maps, Items
  • If your opponent doesn't appear within 15 minutes, match will be rated as default win for the present team.


For the weekly qualifiers we are taking the amount of checked-in teams to determine the amount of prize money for the competition.
Place 0-49 teams 50-59 teams 60-69 teams 70+ teams
medal_gold_3.png 1. €55
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medal_gold_3.png 2. 5x Coupon Codes€100
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medal_gold_3.png 3. 5x Coupon Codes€50
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Looking for your opponents or need help? During the cup join ESL Crossfire on Discord or open a support ticket.

Match related issues must be handled via match protest


Is this your first time? Here are the important steps:

  • Follow the instructions on the right to sign up
  • If check in is enabled, make sure to check in on time
  • Wait for your first match to show up on the right
  • Get in contact with your opponent and play the match
  • Enter the result and ask your opponent to confirm
  • Wait for your next match

Still need help? During the cup, use Discord chat if it is available, otherwise please contact support.

Match related issues must be handled via match protest.

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logo_smilegate_eu.jpgSMILEGATE is an online game development company and the creator of the world's numbers 1 online FPS title, "CrossFire".