CS:GO game integration live for all European Ladders
All through June, ESL’s brand new game integration system has been being tested with you in both cups and our VERSUS 5vs5 game mode, not only helping you play your matches but also providing servers by gamed!de and support from ESL Anti-Cheat. Now these tests are complete and we are moving forward, setting the game integration live for all CS:GO 1on1 and 2on2 Ladders. We will roll this feature out for all remaining ladders in the upcoming weeks.
Update: 3on3/5on5 Ladder live

What is the game integration?

The most important change of the game integration is, that all matches will be played on high quality servers provided by the ESL! You don't need to hassle with server renting and configuration anymore, once your match is ready, you'll get a server assigned. Just head over to the matchpage, confirm that your team is ready and follow the simple steps.

This assures the best possible CS:GO gaming experience together with our state of the art, world leading Anti-Cheat client.

Our game integration makes life easier for admins and users, therefore make sure to check our latest rule changes.

Servers are powered by

The no. 1 hoster for gameservers and voiceservers in Germany. Rent gamed!de servers at the best price and great support.

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cryyy, Thursday, 30/07/15 16:18
comments (10)
holy! nice! ♥
good news, i had a problems with running a server and game at the same time because of steam conflict.
goos news :D
Nice 1on1 map pool.

-dust, -aztec, -prodigy.

Good job
lol dust aztec and prodigy are classic maps for 1on1 ..
are standins in ladders still possible ? with that new Steam_id check
Cartridge wrote:
are standins in ladders still possible ? with that new Steam_id check

Yes, as long as the players are registered in the team prior to match start
How to play?
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