Main Members (3) Replay Archive (0) Awards (5) Rating History Rating Willi Wiberg back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] CS:GO Open Ladder 5on5 Europe created from rating comment match 03.01.14 SOSA Detail 03.01.14 Die Pakistars Detail 03.01.14 Detail 02.01.14 italians got talent Detail 02.01.14 Avengers Detail 17.11.13 Toxic Avengers Detail 14.08.13 kdot Detail 11.08.13 pimmelbomben Detail 22.07.13 mchaxsdark Detail 22.07.13 xxx Detail 21.07.13 MOTTOFRAUEN the return! Detail 20.07.13 OldskooL Detail 19.07.13 invasion of sloth Detail 19.07.13 The Show Must Go On Detail 19.07.13 Mustard Detail 07.07.13 Mumble HIGHER. GG :D Detail 07.07.13 hochspielen #599 Detail 07.07.13 LIBUALLO Detail 04.07.13 MOTTOFRAUEN the return! Detail 29.06.13 Independent.Ladder Detail 28.06.13 BabyMonkeys O_o Detail 26.06.13 nippon Detail 22.06.13 MCFITTI Detail 30.05.13 FUCKRAGEDIT Detail 30.05.13 kaixuan Detail 22.05.13 TILT Detail 17.05.13 achjaaa??? Detail 17.05.13 SnackNNN Detail 16.05.13 einserbasis Detail 14.05.13 test Detail 13.05.13 sexpistolss Detail 13.05.13 bObO Detail 12.05.13 noobdw0 Detail 12.05.13 MixFriendsEU Detail 11.05.13 Independent.Ladder Detail 11.05.13 ZAUBERT1ME Detail 11.05.13 AWESOME Detail 09.05.13 no.m3rci Detail 09.05.13 BARSCHALARM Detail 09.05.13 siegertypen Detail 08.05.13 SkyRiders.GO Detail 06.05.13 wir verlieren eh -- haQQs on Detail 06.05.13 headnaz Detail 04.05.13 ARSCHINFERNO Detail 04.05.13 MILKA NAPS Detail 04.05.13 CS:GO PRO PLAYERS Detail