Quick Rules
- Server: 128 tick high quality servers
- Game Integration Guide
- Maps: Mapveto, BO1
- Max Rounds: 9 (per half)
- Standard ESL Mappool:
- awp_ice_csgo
- awp_aim
- awp_india_csgo
- awp_arena
- awp_garden
- awp_facti0n_v2
- awp_deathcanyon
- awp_ruins
- awp_metal
- awp_niloriver
- awp_mountains
- awp_manor
- STEAM Workshop Collection
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Want to see more? Here is the full list!
You must be a Premium player/team to have your awards visible in your profile.
Looking for your opponents or need help?
Join our Discord Server! Open a Support Ticket! Open a Protest Ticket!
Join our Discord Server! Open a Support Ticket! Open a Protest Ticket!
Match related issues must be handled via match protest.
Is this your first time? You can find a detailed instruction here.
Otherwise here is a quick-step introduction:
- Follow the instructions on the right to sign up
- Find a match using the match making methods listed on the right
- Get in contact with your opponent and play the match
- Enter the result and ask your opponent to confirm
Still need help? Please contact support
Match related issues must be handled via match protest.