Quick Rules
- Mode: 1on1 Little Bird vs Little Bird
- Maps: Fixed Map per Round, Bo1
- Timelimit: 5 Minutes (vars.roundTimeLimit 9)
- Forbidden Heli Unlocks: Air Radar
- Forbidden Weapons: FGM-172 SRAW, FIM-92 STINGER, SA-18 IGLA
- Fraction: AH-6J Little Bird only (US vs US), other fractions only when both player agree
- Match Result: first pilot reaching 7 kills/destroys wins
- 3D Spot: OFF
- Server Settings: Download the ESL Server cfg's
- Official ESL Mappool:
- Siege of Shangai CQ small
- Dawnbreaker CQ Large
- Match Procedure:
- 1. Both Player start in their Base, after the ready up and end of the Countdowntimer the round starts
- 2. Both have to fly out of their Base! Camping inside the Base is not allowed!
- 3. The round ends when the enemy pilot got shot out or the enemy Heli is destroyed
- 4. Procedure after kill/destroy: map restart
- General Rules:
- Jumping out of Heli: forbidden, will count as 1 kill for the opponent
- a simple Crash counts as kill for the opponent
- If the timer of 5 minutes is over and no kill/destroy was made, it is a draw. No points given to any player
- First Kill counts, so in case of a double K.O. of both Heli the pilot who died/got destroyed as last receives the point
- You are allowed to use RPG, SMAW and the Repair Tool to repair your Heli but as written above you are not allowed to leave the Heli at any point!
- The first pilot who reaches 7 kills wins the match
- Please do screenshots of the ingame chat, with the confirm of the result of both pilots/scoreboard & every roundscreenshot
Is this your first time? Here are the important steps:
- Follow the instructions on the right to sign up
- If check in is enabled, make sure to check in on time
- Wait for your first match to show up on the right
- Get in contact with your opponent and play the match
- Enter the result and ask your opponent to confirm
- Wait for your next match
Still need help? During the cup, use Discord chat if it is available, otherwise please contact support.
Match related issues must be handled via match protest.