Gaming Fever eSports vs. lilbless
Contestants Parameters
 15.  12.

 Gaming Fever eSports
Status: closed
MatchID 27076183
Date Thursday, 25 October 22:00
Calculated Thursday, 25 October 23:10
map de_nuke
Match setup (enter result, reschedule)
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Result Media
2 : 16
lilbless wins !
Points 0 : +3
Thursday, 25 October 23:53
217 kB, Thursday, 25 October 23:53, by 5933073 (GF)
Thursday, 25 October 22:54
uploaded with ESL Wire de_nuke0001.jpg*
55 kB, Thursday, 25 October 22:54, by 5314272 (lil'bless)
Thursday, 25 October 23:03
uploaded with ESL Wire ESL wire OFF.jpg*
250 kB, Thursday, 25 October 23:03, by rdz (GF)
Thursday, 25 October 23:04
uploaded with ESL Wire*
20.8 MB, Thursday, 25 October 23:04, by 6112018 (GF)
Thursday, 25 October 23:00
Demo - KOR - ReaLL*
9.8 MB, Thursday, 25 October 23:00, by ReaLL (GF)
Thursday, 25 October 23:18
Demo - - speakIN*
20.8 MB, Thursday, 25 October 23:18, by 6033775 (lil'bless)
Thursday, 25 October 22:57
uploaded with ESL Wire*
16.8 MB, Thursday, 25 October 22:57, by 3718963 (lil'bless)
Thursday, 25 October 22:57
uploaded with ESL Wire*
19.4 MB, Thursday, 25 October 22:57, by 6983234 (GF)
Thursday, 25 October 23:03
uploaded with ESL Wire*
21.8 MB, Thursday, 25 October 23:03, by rdz (GF)
* No longer available
Matchmedia Requests
25/10/12 15:54 6195499 (lil'bless) demo
25/10/12 15:54 3718963 (lil'bless) demo
25/10/12 15:54 2273140 (lil'bless) demo
25/10/12 15:54 6033775 (lil'bless) demo
25/10/12 15:54 6267110 (lil'bless) demo
25/10/12 15:54 6017278 (lil'bless) demo
25/10/12 15:54 5314272 (lil'bless) demo

Gaming Fever eSports


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