Hardware | |
CPU | Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 |
RAM | OCZ Platinum 1100 MgHz 2x2Gb + Kingston HyperX 2x2 |
Videocard | ATI Radeon HD 4890 Vapor-X 2Gb |
Soundcard | Creative Audigly SE |
Storage | WD Caviar 160 Gb |
Motherboard | ASUS P5Q |
Display | LG Flatron. CRT, 17'' |
OS | Windows 7. 64-bit |
Antivirus | AVAST |
Mouse | Razer DeathAdder 2013 |
Mousepad | Rpccat Taito Mid-size |
Keyboard | Cherry RS 6000 M |
Headphones | Razer Carcharias |
Connection | 100 mb/s |
Console(s) | PS1 |
Handheld(s) | Nokia 5228 |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Coffee |
Movie | Pianist |
Music | Chopin, Mozart, Beethoven, Bach |
Song | Ludwig van Beethoven. Piano Sonata № 14. |
Car | Nissan GTR |
Sport | Soccer |
Athlete | Alexei Yagudin |
Favourite... | |
Map | Valparaiso |
Clan | Aim| |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Iridonian Zabraks |
Console | PS1 |
"Never stop dreaming. This is all that we have left." Awards => Battlefield Bad Company 2: Public Hero! 2nd battlefieldbc.ru Night Cup #3 (AutoBots) 2nd ESF BC2 CQ 1on1 Cup 1st ESL 1x1 FBF RU-ladder Battlefield3 1st ESL GoCIS4BF3 February Qualifier #3 (WorkZone) 1st Open cup Conquest 5x5 ForusBF (WorkZone) 1st Open cup bf3 4x4 deathmach (Krabz) 2nd ESL GoCIS4BF3 February Finals (Krabz) +4 ESL Premium Accounts. 3rd ESL GoCIS4BF3 Infantry 5x5 Night Cup#1 (Krabz) 1st ESL GoCIS4BF3 March Qualifer #3 (Krabz) 1st ESL GoCIS4BF3 March Finals (Krabz) +100$ 2nd Boostie 100 € Cup EU 2nd BF3 5x5 Venice Unleashed Cup #1 Europe 1st-2nd ESL BF3 5on5 Community Cup #5 Europe 1st BAMGAMING Venice Unleashed 2v2 Cup 1st SMERSH BF3 2vs2 CUP 1st GME-ARENA BF3 5x5 Cup 2nd BF3 5on5 Conquest Spring Cup 2016 Europe 1st BF3 5on5 Community Cup #6 Europe |