Equipe BH Normandie CS:GO vs. Equipe Aquitaine CS:GO
Contestants Parameters
 14.  2.

 Equipe BH Normandie CS:GO
 Equipe Aquitaine CS:GO
Status: closed
MatchID 27315059
Date Tuesday, 15 January 21:00
Calculated Wednesday, 16 January 01:12
map de_inferno_se
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Result Media
27 : 3
Equipe BH Normandie CS:GO wins !
Points +3 : 0
Tuesday, 15 January 22:01
uploaded with ESL Wire bugwirenormandie1.jpg*
152 kB, Tuesday, 15 January 22:01, by 3202007 (AQUI.GO)
Tuesday, 15 January 22:01
uploaded with ESL Wire bugwirenormandie2-JPG*
141 kB, Tuesday, 15 January 22:01, by 3202007 (AQUI.GO)
Tuesday, 15 January 21:44
uploaded with ESL Wire Screen 01.jpg*
137 kB, Tuesday, 15 January 21:44, by 1982254 (NORMANDIE)
Tuesday, 15 January 21:43
uploaded with ESL Wire Screen 01.jpg*
110 kB, Tuesday, 15 January 21:43, by 6203983 (NORMANDIE)
Tuesday, 15 January 21:43
uploaded with ESL Wire Screen 02.jpg*
119 kB, Tuesday, 15 January 21:43, by 6203983 (NORMANDIE)
Tuesday, 15 January 21:43
uploaded with ESL Wire Screen 03.jpg*
98 kB, Tuesday, 15 January 21:43, by 6203983 (NORMANDIE)
Tuesday, 15 January 22:43
uploaded with ESL Wire aqui.zip*
25.8 MB, Tuesday, 15 January 22:43, by 1982254 (NORMANDIE)
Tuesday, 15 January 22:01
uploaded with ESL Wire bassenormandie.zip*
25.2 MB, Tuesday, 15 January 22:01, by 3202007 (AQUI.GO)
Thursday, 17 January 16:38
uploaded with ESL Wire CNFvsAQUITAINE.zip*
6.1 MB, Thursday, 17 January 16:38, by 1982254 (NORMANDIE)
* No longer available

Equipe Aquitaine CS:GO

Equipe BH Normandie CS:GO

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