Wrath and Madness vs. Riders on the Storm
Contestants Parameters
 3.  6.

 Wrath and Madness
 Riders on the Storm
Status: closed
MatchID 26416926
Date Monday, 09 July 13:30
Calculated Wednesday, 11 July 01:09
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Result Media
1on1:  Echo Isles, Secret Valley
LastMoment 2 : 0 OrcishFool
1on1:  Ancient Isle, Amazonia
LastMoment 0 : 2 AJK
1on1:  Amazonia, Echo Isles
SGC.Tagst 2 : 0 OrcishFool
1on1:  Road To Stratholme, Twisted Meadows
pornoseeker 0 : 2 AJK
2on2:  Twisted Meadows, Echo Isles
LastMoment, Ado125 2 : 0 AJK, OrcishFool
Wrath and Madness wins !
wam 3 : 2 RoS
Points +3 : +2
Monday, 09 July 23:12
305 kB, Monday, 09 July 23:12, by 2267274 (wam)
Tuesday, 10 July 12:50
LastMoment vs. AJK Game1*
159 kB, Tuesday, 10 July 12:50, by 4264741 (RoS)
Tuesday, 10 July 12:50
LastMoment vs. AJK Game2*
217 kB, Tuesday, 10 July 12:50, by 4264741 (RoS)
Tuesday, 10 July 18:35
LastMoment vs. OrcishFool Game2*
114 kB, Tuesday, 10 July 18:35, by 2384337 (wam)
Tuesday, 10 July 12:51
pornoseeker vs. AJK Game1*
87 kB, Tuesday, 10 July 12:51, by 4264741 (RoS)
Tuesday, 10 July 12:52
pornoseeker vs. AJK Game2*
128 kB, Tuesday, 10 July 12:52, by 4264741 (RoS)
* No longer available

Wrath and Madness

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