OwNu so Cabi vs. smD dream team
Contestants Parameters
 6.  14.

 OwNu so Cabi
 smD dream team
Status: closed
MatchID 27120484
Date Monday, 22 October 20:00
Calculated Saturday, 17 November 01:06
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Lineup "smD dream team" incomplete
1on1:  Echo Isles, Echo Isles
<unknown> 2 : 0 <unknown>
1on1:  Terenas Stands, Echo Isles
<unknown> 2 : 0 <unknown>
1on1:  Road To Stratholme, Echo Isles
<unknown> 2 : 0 <unknown>
1on1:  Amazonia, Echo Isles
<unknown> 2 : 0 <unknown>
2on2:  Centaur Grove, Echo Isles
<unknown> 2 : 0 <unknown>
OwNu so Cabi wins !
OwNu.sC 5 : 0 smD
Points +5 : 0
Saturday, 17 November 10:04
LeX vs NumberFiveAlive g1*
132 kB, Saturday, 17 November 10:04, by 3293982 (OwNu.sC)
Saturday, 17 November 10:04
LeX vs NumberFiveAlive g2*
106 kB, Saturday, 17 November 10:04, by 3293982 (OwNu.sC)
Saturday, 17 November 10:04
LeX vs NumberFiveAlive g3*
150 kB, Saturday, 17 November 10:04, by 3293982 (OwNu.sC)
* No longer available

OwNu so Cabi

smD dream team

OwNu so Cabi
21/10/12 17:54
OwNu Statement
Hey smD! I hope to have a good / fun clan war. This league format is fairly terrible given the fact that we play 10 cws in the span of 2 weeks... it doesn't make sense really but let us do the best that we can either way. I hope that we have some fun games. I will not be at any of the cws but my players will be there so there should be nps. glglgl!
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