Funky Atzen vs. Lethal Angelz.tmnf
Contestants Parameters
 13.  21.

 Funky Atzen
 Lethal Angelz.tmnf
Status: closed
MatchID 24154474
Date Sunday, 30 October 18:00
Calculated Sunday, 30 October 20:46
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tba 7 : 3
tba 7 : 1
Funky Atzen wins !
Points +3 : 0
Sunday, 30 October 20:50
382 kB, Sunday, 30 October 20:50, by 453309 (Funky)
Sunday, 30 October 20:33
140 kB, Sunday, 30 October 20:33, by 3734032 (Lλ'z)
Sunday, 30 October 20:50
eyes of fury*
429 kB, Sunday, 30 October 20:50, by 453309 (Funky)
Sunday, 30 October 20:33
Eyes of Fury*
162 kB, Sunday, 30 October 20:33, by 3734032 (Lλ'z)
Sunday, 30 October 20:37
Eyes of Fury*
418 kB, Sunday, 30 October 20:37, by Polak (Lλ'z)
* No longer available

Funky Atzen

Lethal Angelz.tmnf

Lethal Angelz.tmnf
29/10/11 07:54
And now we meet Funky. I think we have a good "wire" :D to them and i hope for a funny match. We are not very motivated to train atm and so we cant get any Dedi ^^ But we know coco and will give our untrained best to get some points against Funky.
Funky Atzen
29/10/11 05:11
Statement 'Funky Atzen'
Lets go for the 4th match in SCS2 against 'Lethal Angelz'.
After two weeks break we are top motivated to win our next match. Our times at 'Eyes of Fury' are not bad, so i think we have good chances to win this map. At Coco I cant evaluate LAz, cause they arent listed in dedis i think :P....Maybe they have better offline recs.
All in all we hope for a fair match. GL & hf
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