keepYOURskill EMS vs.
Contestants Parameters
 6.  2.

 keepYOURskill EMS
Status: closed
MatchID 13632971
Date Thursday, 14 May 22:00
Calculated Sunday, 17 May 23:54
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hom3r 2 : 2 moreno
KarteKpL 2 : 2 Xaxotun
Pio 3 : 1 Spartakovec
Cou 3 : 1 PlaYa
DevoN 2 : 2 kolbaska
keepYOURskill EMS wins !
kYs 12 : 8
Points +3 : 0
keepYOURskill EMS
12/05/09 16:11
Prematch statement
We're before hard task, so in the next group match we'll square up to the next strong Russian team. In the last match they easy defeated opponents from team nGize.Fifa. Becouse of that fact they 're now the first group in scoresheet. Certainly, we're a favourite, but I'm affraid that the match won't be easy and our opponent'll do everything to win this match. We'll try to stop Russian team. Enjoy to watching!
keepYOURskill EMS
14/05/09 16:58
'EMS Season IV Group Stage PGS [12:08] USSR || hom3r (0:3/5:2) moreno || KarteKpL (0:1/3:2) Xaxotun || Pio (5:4/2:2) Spartakovec || Cou (6:3/1:1) Playa || DevoN (2:1/1:3) Kolbaska'
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