özil der deutsche vs. asdf
Contestants Parameters
 149.  51.

 özil der deutsche
Status: closed
MatchID 26531627
Date Tuesday, 10 July 20:16
Calculated Wednesday, 11 July 01:16
Created by ESL Instant Challenger
map de_aztec
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Result Media
0 : 1
asdf wins !
Points -18 : +18
Tuesday, 10 July 20:37
uploaded with ESL Wire de_aztec0039.jpg
125 kB, Tuesday, 10 July 20:37, by rbNN (;))
Tuesday, 10 July 20:37
uploaded with ESL Wire de_aztec0040.jpg
79 kB, Tuesday, 10 July 20:37, by rbNN (;))
Tuesday, 10 July 20:37
uploaded with ESL Wire de_aztec0041.jpg
83 kB, Tuesday, 10 July 20:37, by rbNN (;))
Tuesday, 10 July 20:36
uploaded with ESL Wire Wire---.jpg
257 kB, Tuesday, 10 July 20:36, by 4052282 (;))
Tuesday, 10 July 20:34
uploaded with ESL Wire 2on2hgaztecdjvbfl.zip
3.8 MB, Tuesday, 10 July 20:34, by 4052282 (;))
Tuesday, 10 July 20:37
uploaded with ESL Wire deutsch.zip
2.4 MB, Tuesday, 10 July 20:37, by rbNN (;))
Tuesday, 10 July 20:33
Round 1
4.0 MB, Tuesday, 10 July 20:33, by prime1505 (megapint)
Thursday, 12 July 19:36
3.6 MB, Thursday, 12 July 19:36, by 6040525
Matchmedia Requests
10/07/12 13:31 4052282 (;)) ct/t für timetable
10/07/12 13:31 rbNN (;)) ct/t für timetable
10/07/12 13:32 6040525 (megapint) ct/t
10/07/12 13:32 prime1505 (megapint) ct/t
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