Jurassic Park 4on4 int vs. Team-ATS
Contestants Parameters
 27.  81.

 Jurassic Park 4on4 int
Status: closed
MatchID 25655517
Date Monday, 12 March 22:00
Calculated Tuesday, 13 March 01:29
Created by ESL Instant Challenger
map de_train
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Result Media
1 : 0
Jurassic Park 4on4 int wins !
Points +9 : -9
Monday, 12 March 22:27
uploaded with ESL Wire Screen 01.jpg*
82 kB, Monday, 12 March 22:27, by 2671882 (-.-)
Monday, 12 March 22:26
uploaded with ESL Wire Screen 01.jpg*
115 kB, Monday, 12 March 22:26, by tueur (-.-)
Monday, 12 March 22:27
uploaded with ESL Wire Screen 02.jpg*
109 kB, Monday, 12 March 22:27, by 2671882 (-.-)
Monday, 12 March 22:26
uploaded with ESL Wire Screen 02.jpg*
104 kB, Monday, 12 March 22:26, by tueur (-.-)
Monday, 12 March 22:27
uploaded with ESL Wire Screen 03.jpg*
79 kB, Monday, 12 March 22:27, by 2671882 (-.-)
* No longer available

Jurassic Park 4on4 int

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