yfere vs. BOLFENK.unit
Contestants Parameters

Status: closed
MatchID 23267782
Date Monday, 11 July 20:00
Calculated Wednesday, 13 July 01:09
Round Quarterfinals
map mp_toujane
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Result Media
13 : 7
yfere wins !
Tuesday, 12 July 22:16
uploaded with ESL Wire guid*
366 kB, Tuesday, 12 July 22:16, by 990294 (yfere)
Tuesday, 12 July 22:19
234 kB, Tuesday, 12 July 22:19, by 3541891 (Bu.)
Tuesday, 12 July 22:19
228 kB, Tuesday, 12 July 22:19, by 3541891 (Bu.)
Tuesday, 12 July 22:16
uploaded with ESL Wire shot0371.jpg*
163 kB, Tuesday, 12 July 22:16, by 990294 (yfere)
Tuesday, 12 July 22:25
uploaded with ESL Wire demo0003.zip*
6.5 MB, Tuesday, 12 July 22:25, by 3157403 (yfere)
Tuesday, 12 July 22:21
uploaded with ESL Wire esl_4v4_bolefunk.zip*
5.8 MB, Tuesday, 12 July 22:21, by 990294 (yfere)
* No longer available
Matchmedia Requests
12/07/11 15:18 990294 (yfere) suspicious rounds, timing
12/07/11 15:18 3157403 (yfere) suspicious rounds, timing



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