EuroAiM-eSport   id:  4563685
Name EuroAiM-eSport
Shorthandle Eu|AiM
Registered since 12/11/09
IRC #Eu|AiM  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  European Union
  2  Awards  
IRC #Eu|AiM  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Conquest Opening Cup
wins   CrapCompany  + 3 Sunday, 11/04/10 13:00 12
  Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Squad Rush Opening Cup
wins   Team-Scorpions  + 3 Sunday, 28/03/10 13:00 18
Eu|AiM eSports

Bye Bye Bc2

▫ Competitive gaming since 2008
▫ Xfire: andinho2142
▫ Steam: [email protected]

▫ Sponsored By:
▫ Andinho
▫ Aero's Dog
▫ Ezekiel's Cat
▫ ReVaN's Fish
▫ Lolyn's Parrot
▫ Gerrah's Frog


Eu|AiM eSports Roster:

Team Owner: Andinho
Team Owner: LolyN
Player: ReVaN
Player: Mindre
Player: Ezekiel
Player: Gerrah
Player: Spongeblunt
Player: hkn
Player: Lucky_Fr4gg3r
Player: Jasont21
Player: Rydeen
Player: Ablitterator


Eu|AiM eSports Awards:


▫ 1st in the ESL Nordic 5v5 Infantry ladder
▫ 3rd in the ESL Squad Rush Opening Cup

▫ 1st in the Clanbase 4v4 Squadrush ladder
▫ 1st in the Clanbase Conquest ladder
▫ 1st in the Clanbase Rush ladder

▫ 1st in the Boomtown Cup #3
▫ 1st in the Boomtown Cup #4
▫ 3rd in the esportsheaven cup #2

▫ BF2142

▫ 1st. In the European ESL Infantry Ladder
▫ 1st. In the European Clanbase Cup Infantry Spring 2009
▫ 1st. In the European Clanbase Cup Infantry Fall 2009
▫ 1st. In the European Clanbase Titan Ladder
▫ 1st. In the European Clanbase Infantry Ladder
▫ 1st. In the European ESL Wintercup 2nd. League
▫ Unbeaten in official matches within all competitive leagues

▫ CoD Mw2

▫ 1st. Domination Clanbase ladder
▫ 4th. HQ ESL 3on3 cup