w4sp-BioXar-stoNed  † R.I.P †  id:  2100610
Name w4sp-BioXar-stoNed
Shorthandle stoNed
Registered since 23/10/06
Headquarters  Germany
in memory of stoNed, w4sp and bioXar

+shot7 +WHiT9Ryo.
Honorary member (5)
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Latest matches
  Battlefield 2 Infantry Winter League
loss   juNkiez.bf2  0 Monday, 23/02/09 13:30 6
wins   High FiDelity  + 3 Monday, 09/02/09 13:30 6
wins   XelnZ Virtual  + 3 Monday, 02/02/09 13:30 0
wins   VIP-Gaming Ultra  + 3 Monday, 26/01/09 13:30 10