Caprice vs. TeamMentor
Contestants Parameters

Status: closed
MatchID 28324861
Date Saturday, 18 May 20:00
Calculated Saturday, 18 May 21:24
Round Semifinals
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Rising Dust 1 : 0
Rising Dust 1 : 0
Caprice wins !
Saturday, 18 May 21:13
Round 1*
329 kB, Saturday, 18 May 21:13, by 6685912 (Caprice)
Saturday, 18 May 21:13
uploaded with ESL Wire*
1.3 MB, Saturday, 18 May 21:13, by 6815737 (Caprice)
Saturday, 18 May 21:17
uploaded with ESL Wire*
1.1 MB, Saturday, 18 May 21:17, by 5913880 (Caprice)
Saturday, 18 May 21:20
uploaded with ESL Wire*
1.4 MB, Saturday, 18 May 21:20, by 7230161 (TM)
Saturday, 18 May 21:15
uploaded with ESL Wire*
918 kB, Saturday, 18 May 21:15, by imreda (TM)
Saturday, 18 May 21:15
1.1 MB, Saturday, 18 May 21:15, by 6061700 (Caprice)
Saturday, 18 May 21:14
906 kB, Saturday, 18 May 21:14, by 6812448 (Caprice)
Saturday, 18 May 21:19
Round 1*
1.2 MB, Saturday, 18 May 21:19, by 7182296 (TM)
* No longer available


18/05/13 13:42
Protesting due to lateness
Tapi gave us a limited time of 5 mins. Within that time we had all of our main lineup. Please, take this time and look at the proof we provided. We made it when they had 4 people in the room while we had 5. And it was within 5 minutes as tapi stated.
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