Spain vs. Bulgaria
Contestants Parameters
 11.  3.

Status: closed
MatchID 18372863
Date Wednesday, 12 May 20:00
Calculated Thursday, 13 May 01:42
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1 : 11
Bulgaria wins !
Points 0 : +3
uploaded with ESL Wire 2010-05-12_20-00-42_MID_18372863_0.lil
615 kB, Wednesday, 12 May 20:49, by 3651137 (ES)
uploaded with ESL Wire 2010-05-12_20-02-21_MID_18372863_0.lil
181 kB, Wednesday, 12 May 20:20, by Wepepote (ES)
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350 kB, Wednesday, 12 May 21:05, by Wepepote (ES)
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20 kB, Wednesday, 12 May 20:23, by 3980190 (BUL)
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484 kB, Wednesday, 12 May 20:23, by 3980190 (BUL)
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66 kB, Wednesday, 12 May 20:26, by 1916537 (BUL)
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58 kB, Wednesday, 12 May 20:20, by 3958575 (BUL)
uploaded with ESL Wire 2010-05-12_21-27-13_MID_18372863_0.lil
40 kB, Wednesday, 12 May 20:47, by 3958575 (BUL)
uploaded with ESL Wire 2010-05-12_21-29-43_MID_18372863_0.lil
362 kB, Wednesday, 12 May 20:52, by 3980190 (BUL)
uploaded with ESL Wire 2010-05-12_21-41-02_MID_18372863_0.lil
45 kB, Wednesday, 12 May 21:04, by 1916537 (BUL)



10/05/10 18:04
Math Statement
The second match in the Mainround will very hard for us like the first match vs. Ukraine . After our first match - and loss -, we are motivated to reverse the trend and have a victory under our belt . Bulgaria has a lot of good players but we will do our best to succed and take home the first three points this season. We will not underestimate the Bulgarian team and we will try to play our A-game to reach our form .

I hope the match will be exciting. Have fun and Good luck !

Best Regards,
Carlos <Wepep0te> Muñoz
06/05/10 13:23
Math Statement
Round 2 is almost here.. Our first game against France was crucial since we definetly wanted to start off on the right foot in this year's ENC. Now we play team Spain in the second round, I think they used to be a strong nation back in the day. Now with alot of their top players playing PS3, I believe this game is a must win for us. Next rounds are a little harder so we are training alot at the moment so we can take the needed 3 points from this match.

This is our year to shine so I wish team spain good luck, but we will come prepared 110% for the victory!!! Have Fun :)

Team Captain of Bulgaria FIFA
Filip "KreeganBG" Stoynev
12/05/10 14:29
Bulgaria [11:1] Spain
Wicky [4:1] Wepepote
Peachez [1:0] Dumy
Krasi [4:2] tito
Krasi [4:2] Wepepote
Wicky [1:1] Dumy
Peachez [3:1] tito
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