Turkey vs. Belarus
Contestants Parameters
 3.  9.

Status: closed
MatchID 9147066
Date Sunday, 23 March 20:30
Calculated Sunday, 23 March 22:06
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Result Media
de_nuke 16 : 0
de_inferno 16 : 1
Turkey wins !
Points +3 : 0
23/03/08 15:42
Aftermatch Statement
Well, i reach my Aim and we are happy about this win. Thanks for Match Belarus.
23/03/08 16:01
Belarus Team CSS - Aftermatch
I know it before we played that match that we could not win.
A high factor was the server problem with the ping but normally Turkey .CSS is better as Belarus Team CSS. We must accept this lose and will keep it to pracc more pcw`s and come next year back and try to changed this result. Thank you very much, too for this match. See you in hell xD

23/03/08 15:39
  • European Nations Championship 2008 - CS:S 5on5 - Qualification Round 1
    - Playday 1 -

    Turkey .CSS (#1) vs. Belarus Team CSS (#2)
  • [ Prematch Statements ]
  • Sunday, the 23th of March will be the first Match at the ENC Qualifiers for our Team, you can call it the "Fight of Fights" you can call it what you want, but it will be the pathbreaking Match in the young History of the Team. With new Support the Turkish Team will aspire the win against the "unknown" Counter-Strike Source Team of Belarus. Kürsat Asan the new responsible person of the sportive area, is interested to set the benchmark up on high. The Team has the aim to win this Match, but not only winning is the demand of Kürsat Asan, the "complete destruction" of the Belarus Team is the aim of Kürsat Asan.
  • Belarus Team CSS known as NavalnicA. It's right, we are unknown team on international basic but not in Belarus and Russia. Aequitas a anticheat to play ENC matches is not unknown for us and will be not a problem to defeat Turkey.CSS but i can say it Turkey .CSS is a strong team no question. Site: http://team-belarus.com IRC: #belarus.cs Quakenet Give us a good server to play against Turkey .CSS like's Game-Hosting location Swedish and we can bring a good resultat.
  • [ Match Score ]
  • de_nuke
    Map: de_nuke
    Turkey .CSS15:0Belarus Team CSS

    Turkey .CSS1:0Belarus Team CSS

  • de_inferno
    Map: de_inferno
    Turkey .CSS14:1Belarus Team CSS

    Turkey .CSS2:0Belarus Team CSS

  • de_tuscan
    Map: de_tuscan
    Turkey .CSS0:0Belarus Team CSS

    Turkey .CSS0:0Belarus Team CSS

  • [ Aftermatch Statements ]
  • - There is currently no aftermatch statement available from Turkey .CSS
  • - There is currently no aftermatch statement available from Belarus Team CSS

23/03/08 09:02
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