Hardware | |
CPU | vorhanden |
RAM | vorhanden |
Videocard | vorhanden |
Soundcard | vorhanden |
Storage | vorhanden |
Motherboard | vorhanden |
Display | vorhanden |
OS | vorhanden |
Antivirus | vorhanden |
CD/DVD | vorhanden |
Mouse | vorhanden |
Mouse Skatez | vorhanden |
Mousepad | vorhanden |
Keyboard | vorhanden |
Headphones | vorhanden |
Connection | vorhanden |
Wheel/Pedals | nicht vorhanden |
Joypad | nicht vorhanden |
TV | vorhanden |
Sound system | vorhanden |
Console(s) | vorhanden |
Handheld(s) | o0 WTF?! |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Wasser |
Food | Brot |
Movie | Werbung |
Music | ...kann ich nicht |
Song | montiiii_____ |
Book | neu & verpackt hab ich sie am liebsten |
Book author | Ronald McDonald |
Person | Mama |
Actor / Actress | meine Ex-Freundinnen |
Car | mit vier Rädern |
Sport | Schach |
Athlete | Postbote |
Favourite... | |
Map | Sniffel |
Clan | rylict |
Player | exis |
Game Hero | avenger |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | chris |
Genre | U-Bahnfahrer |
Console | naits |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.blaaa.de |
Website 2 | http://www.blaaa.de |
Website 3 | http://www.blaaa.de |
Website 4 | http://www.blaaa.de |
yOe~~~ <3 MYA // rowen stevo rylict zan exis seiken johnny // 1. Division Season 14 #11 - Team Nordisch [falleN, chris, rylict, avenue, jool, teddy, KenaN, johi] 1. Division Season 15 #6 - MyAmbition [avenue, rylict, stevo, zaN, rowen, exis] 1. Division Season 16 #6 - MyAmbition [avenue, rylict/aren JJ, stevo, zaN, rowen, exis] EPS Season 17 #5 - mTw [crash, thoR, foolish, blood, avenue] EPS Season 17 - rookie of the season EPS Season 18 #9/10 - mTw [crash, thoR, foolish, vio, avenue] EPS Season 19 #4 - MYR [mat, hakkeNp, jaenson, debsN68, avenue] EPS Season 20 #2 - MYR [mat, makz, jaenson, debsN68, avenue] EPS Season 21 #4 - MYR [mat, makz, cash, ninja, kzy, hakkeNp, debsN68, avenue] EPS Season 22 #5 - dotpiXels [mat, LEGIJA, tabseN, DavoN, avenue] |