Nordrhein-Westfalen vs. Niedersachsen
Contestants Parameters
 1.  2.

Status: closed
MatchID 25746980
Date Monday, 23 April 20:30
Calculated Tuesday, 24 April 00:04
map de_tuscan
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Result Media
16 : 10
Nordrhein-Westfalen wins !
Points +3 : 0
Monday, 23 April 21:41
uploaded with ESL Wire Screen - rcon status*
241 kB, Monday, 23 April 21:41, by Kirby (NRW)
Monday, 23 April 21:41
uploaded with ESL Wire Screen - Round 1*
236 kB, Monday, 23 April 21:41, by Kirby (NRW)
Monday, 23 April 21:41
uploaded with ESL Wire Screen - Round 2*
242 kB, Monday, 23 April 21:41, by Kirby (NRW)
Wednesday, 25 April 17:56
uploaded with ESL Wire Demo -*
5.2 MB, Wednesday, 25 April 17:56, by kzy (NRW)
Monday, 23 April 21:45
uploaded with ESL Wire Demo - NRW - kzy CT*
13.0 MB, Monday, 23 April 21:45, by kzy (NRW)
Monday, 23 April 21:46
uploaded with ESL Wire Demo - NRW - kzy T*
10.4 MB, Monday, 23 April 21:46, by kzy (NRW)
* No longer available



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