created | Platform | action |
01/08/07 10:10h | first_login_default | |
01/08/07 10:26h | join_team Deleted account (2637283) | |
30/08/07 14:25h | team_kick Deleted account (2637283) | |
31/08/07 11:14h | join_team Deleted account (2637283) | |
18/09/07 17:48h | team_kick Deleted account (2637283) | |
15/02/08 17:26h | join_team Deleted account (2426068) | |
24/05/08 08:38h | team_kick Deleted account (2426068) / by Daemon (3) | |
16/08/08 05:09h | first_login_sports | |
29/03/09 10:43h | first_login_esltv | |
14/08/09 16:52h | change_xfire -> masterchef91 | |
14/08/09 17:06h | wanna_join_league Europe Battlefield 2142 Infantry 1on1 Ladder | |
15/08/09 01:29h | join_league Europe Battlefield 2142 Infantry 1on1 Ladder | |
15/08/09 04:19h | leave_league Europe Battlefield 2142 Infantry 1on1 Ladder | |
16/08/09 10:11h | join_team Deleted account (3817565) | |
16/08/09 10:12h | join_team against tweaker (4060634) | |
16/08/09 10:13h | join_team Playing Ducks 2v2 (3813296) | |
16/08/09 10:13h | join_team MGM and Friends (3561454) | |
18/08/09 12:00h | join_team In Memory of Cynthia Gaming (3666424) | |
18/08/09 12:01h | join_team Cynthia Gaming (3718849) | |
19/08/09 04:06h | join_team Deleted account (4363925) | |
21/08/09 12:45h | wanna_join_league Europe Battlefield 2142 Infantry 1on1 Ladder | |
21/08/09 13:37h | join_league Europe Battlefield 2142 Infantry 1on1 Ladder | |
23/08/09 09:05h | leave_team Deleted account (4363925) | |
30/08/09 12:23h | join_team Deleted account (4174520) | |
07/09/09 15:39h | join_team Deleted account (4410995) | |
08/09/09 10:19h | join_team YES to Aequitas for BF:BC2 (3481708) | |
10/09/09 16:26h | team_kick Deleted account (4174520) / by Deleted account (2729611) | |
27/09/09 21:47h | inactivity_kick Europe Battlefield 2142 Infantry 1on1 Ladder | |
31/10/09 07:13h | wanna_join_league Europe Battlefield 2142 Infantry 1on1 Ladder | |
31/10/09 08:51h | join_league Europe Battlefield 2142 Infantry 1on1 Ladder | |
05/11/09 10:11h | leave_league Europe Battlefield 2142 Infantry 1on1 Ladder | |
17/12/09 11:25h | join_team Deleted account (4660546) | |
04/02/10 10:34h | team_kick Playing Ducks 2v2 (3813296) / by Xavi (2060553) | |
07/02/10 07:01h | team_kick Deleted account (3817565) / by Deleted account (3440909) | |
18/03/10 17:10h | team_kick Deleted account (4660546) / by Deleted account (3440909) | |
31/03/10 18:02h | change_xfire masterchef91 -> | |
31/03/10 18:16h | leave_team Cynthia Gaming (3718849) | |
31/03/10 18:16h | leave_team Deleted account (4410995) | |
31/03/10 18:16h | leave_team In Memory of Cynthia Gaming (3666424) | |
31/03/10 18:16h | leave_team MGM and Friends (3561454) | |
31/03/10 18:17h | leave_team YES to Aequitas for BF:BC2 (3481708) | |
31/03/10 18:17h | leave_team against tweaker (4060634) | |
22/10/10 09:47h | change_xfire -> masterchef91 | |
23/10/10 10:38h | join_team uJa (5386876) | |
13/11/11 05:56h | join_team Rent US Overwatch (6359015) | |
17/02/12 05:46h | team_kick Rent US Overwatch (6359015) / by dANY (2655632) | |
26/02/12 08:51h | join_team infernal (6665926) | |
31/03/12 15:22h | join_team ... (5618725) | |
16/04/12 07:56h | join_league Ger Battlefield 3 Cups 1on1 Death Match FunCup #1 | |
21/05/12 07:14h | join_team TheyKickAss.BF3 (6206690) | |
27/05/12 11:01h | join_team They Kick Ass (5132548) | |
27/05/12 11:14h | join_team RefleX ViecheR (3162575) | |
31/05/12 08:59h | increase_trustlevel 0->5 | |
11/07/12 07:43h | join_team Deleted account (7010113) | |
17/07/12 11:13h | join_team gers (5207404) | |
07/08/12 19:07h | team_kick Deleted account (7010113) / by Deleted account (3119927) | |
27/08/12 15:09h | join_team Call us, Maybe? (5619645) | |
05/09/12 06:50h | join_team Just do it. (6498642) | |
12/09/12 06:38h | join_team Deleted account (6996871) | |
28/09/12 08:34h | join_team Überrushung (7196722) | |
08/10/12 12:55h | leave_team Überrushung (7196722) | |
22/10/12 12:13h | join_team Überrushung (7196722) | |
11/11/12 11:36h | leave_team TheyKickAss.BF3 (6206690) | |
11/11/12 11:37h | join_team In Memory of Phenom Gaming (5872693) | |
27/11/12 08:09h | team_kick In Memory of Phenom Gaming (5872693) / by DelArco (4911672) | |
07/12/12 15:26h | team_kick Just do it. (6498642) / by Sylux.One (4366116) | |
25/03/13 10:39h | team_kick Deleted account (6996871) / by Deleted account (64538) | |
31/05/13 18:25h | decrease_trustlevel 5 -> 0 | |
24/06/13 07:46h | wanna_join_league Europe Battlefield 3 Cup 1on1 Handgun Fight for the B-Flag Cup | |
24/06/13 08:01h | join_league Europe Battlefield 3 Cup 1on1 Handgun Fight for the B-Flag Cup | |
24/06/13 10:47h | join_team Deleted account (7726970) | |
01/07/13 12:41h | wanna_join_league Europe Battlefield 3 Cup 1on1 Handgun Fight for the B-Flag Cup | |
01/07/13 12:41h | join_league Europe Battlefield 3 Cup 1on1 Handgun Fight for the B-Flag Cup | |
08/07/13 13:06h | join_team Deleted account (7828600) | |
09/07/13 02:20h | leave_team Deleted account (7726970) | |
21/07/13 08:49h | team_kick Überrushung (7196722) / by Pharakz (3050781) | |
15/08/13 16:53h | team_kick Deleted account (7828600) / by J0K3R (6764121) | |
08/09/13 14:02h | team_kick Call us, Maybe? (5619645) / by Dj1Nn. (1639917) | |
19/04/15 12:08h | first_login_america | |
22/06/15 14:52h | join_team EYES ON U (8935090) | |
23/06/15 16:12h | team_kick EYES ON U (8935090) / by Deleted account (8860759) | |
28/03/16 17:51h | join_team SEK-Gaming (10001278) | |
15/04/16 12:37h | join_team SEK-Gaming 2on2 (10041428) | |
12/10/16 11:35h | team_kick SEK-Gaming 2on2 (10041428) / by Deleted account (10001259) | |
22/12/16 17:44h | first_login_eslasia | |
23/12/16 02:15h | first_login_eslasia |