Hardware | |
CPU | Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 870 @4.00GHz 3.71GHz |
RAM | 8.00GB |
Videocard | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 |
Motherboard | ASUS p7p55d-e |
Display | Samsung SyncMaster S27A750D LED 26" |
OS | Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit |
Antivirus | AVG |
CD/DVD | LG Super Multi Blue |
Mouse | Razer Lachesis |
Mousepad | Razer Goliathus |
Keyboard | Logitech G19 |
Headphones | Razer Megalodon |
Connection | DSL 16.000 |
TV | Samsung Serie 6 PS51E6500 600Hz |
Sound system | Sony BDV-N 890 W |
Console(s) | Wii u |
Mobile Phone | Samsung Galaxy S4 |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Captain Morgan |
Food | Hund, Katze und Maus |
Movie | Blutiger Pfard Gottes |
Music | House/Dubstep/Rock´n Roll |
Song | Chuck Berry Johnny b goode |
Book | Triumph der Langenweile |
Book author | Johann König |
Person | Mich! |
Actor / Actress | Vin Diesel |
Car | Doge Ram SRT10 |
Sport | UFC |
Athlete | Brooke Lasner |
Favourite... | |
Player | Ich |
Game Hero | Ich |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Mensch |
Console | PC |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://Youtube.de |
Website 2 | http://rofl.to |
Website 3 | http://deine-mudder.de |
Du bist iPlay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCJZSI5Iuo4 History Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: Hard To Survive SauGeilerGamerClan Call of Duty BlackOps: SauGeilerGamerclan Team CRONIKS 100 percent nN gaming LancXess Panda.Gaming hoorizon.eu ShowMakerz Call of Duty Modern Warfer 3: Team Xenon Playing-Ducks e.v. CoD:MW3 Battlefield 3: SNOGARD Dragons EAS Bremen-Niedersachsen .BF3 INRI.eSports Partysquad SchootMania : AMOX Gaming e.V. CPLAY Tt.eSPORTS |