Hardware | |
CPU | AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5200+ |
Videocard | Gigabyte GV-NX88T256H |
Soundcard | Onboard |
Motherboard | Asus M2N32-SLI DELUXE |
Display | Samsung 2233rz |
OS | Windows 7 / 64 Bit |
Mouse | SteelSeries Xai |
Mousepad | SteelSeries QCK Heavy |
Keyboard | Cherry G81-3000 |
Headphones | Philips SHP-2700 |
Connection | Telekom Call&Surf Comfort Plus 16 Mbit |
TV | owned but sold (Toshiba 2563DD) |
Sound system | owned but sold (Pioneer XR-J330) |
Console(s) | owned but sold (NES, Dreamcast) |
Handheld(s) | owned but sold (Gameboy) |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Blackbeer |
Food | Wan-Tan Soup |
Movie | The Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, Blade Runner |
Music | Jazz, Elektro-Funk, Reggaeton |
Song | Jimmy Castor - It's Just Begun |
Book | The Hitchhiker´s Guide to the Galaxy |
Book author | Douglas Adams |
Person | Felicitas Sandoval R. & Harry Jaedicke. My Parents |
Actor / Actress | Jeff Goldblum |
Car | Honda CRX |
Favourite... | |
Map | Deck16 / Compressed / nudist |
Clan | oqlr |
Player | Ernst "spaX" Adamski, Fatal1ty, Vo0, cooller, |
Game Hero | Duke Nukem |
Genre | Egoshooter, point-and-click Adventure |
Console | SEGA Mega Drive |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.beerstars.eu |
Website 2 | http://www.delusion-clan... |
Website 3 | http://typera.tk |
Website 4 | http://klov.com |
Thanks to my family and friends for their support! Participant in the German QuakeLive Bundes League and former participant in the German Eletronic Professional Series 17 Quake Live 1v1! Never give up. Seek for the best. Improve yourself. Be creative. Enjoy your life. Succeed. I recently changed my nationality from Germany to Perú. This is due to my origin, my roots are in Perú, that´s where my family comes from. But I was born in Berlin, Germany and I lived most of my life here. My citizenship is German. My nationality (in terms of ethnicity) is Perú. :: The following data is outdated. More or less accurate infos about me is found on my website. :: recent 1v1 cups WarSow OpenCup Spring 2009 - div1 QuakeLive SpringLeague Group AL / DerQuaker Cup active clan... BEER* / UT2004 NW CTF Player / WarSow / QuakeLive last cups UT2004 nwCTF div 1 coaching WarSow 2v2 TDM |