Rating golden boys 

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Go4CS:GO Europe Cup #154
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05.07.15 jQntefabrikkeN Detail

CS:GO Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
created from rating comment match
25.04.15 JAYSON XII Detail
25.04.15 PechImSpielGlückImGesicht Detail
25.04.15 kennyS Detail
25.04.15 Green.Berets Detail

CS:GO 5on5 MR15 Weekly Cup #10 Europe
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01.04.15 Swedish Baguettes Detail
01.04.15 HunterHeritage Detail

CS:GO Open Ladder 2on2 Europe
created from rating comment match
13.02.15 Goronce pisiorki Detail
01.04.14 Die feuchten Banditen Detail
28.03.14 fulltime loooooooooooooooooooow Detail
27.03.14 PERFECTION Detail
27.03.14 NAi-Gaming 2on2 Detail
26.03.14 fulltime gg Detail
24.03.14 darwin * Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 Fight Night March #1
created from rating comment match
18.03.14 cabin fever Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
11.07.12 Team Detail
25.02.12 Team eFRAGGERS CS 1.6 Detail
24.02.12 Bulgaria Fuck The World gg Detail
23.02.12 SPARTANS Detail
23.02.12 TANGO&CASH Detail
23.02.12 C&K Detail
23.02.12 Izrod.BG Detail
13.02.12 Ghetto Gospel Detail
07.02.12 trufelite Detail
07.02.12 HAWAII FIVE-0 Detail
07.02.12 Izrod.BG Detail
07.02.12 Krasavix Detail
06.02.12 criminaLen Detail
06.02.12 Izrod.BG Detail
05.02.12 NIRVANA Detail
05.02.12 bursted heads CS 1.6 Detail
05.02.12 pichovete Detail
05.02.12 Dont Be Sad 2on2 Detail
05.02.12 DwithK Detail
04.02.12 shoot2ace Detail
04.02.12 tendance+ Detail
04.02.12 evL Detail
04.02.12 dsadsafdasgshgsfdsfsfsd Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 Fighnight February 4
created from rating comment match
22.02.12 capo dei capi Detail