VatosLocos 1.6 vs. maniaX Gaming CS 1.6
Contestants Parameters
 .  .

 VatosLocos 1.6
 maniaX Gaming CS 1.6
Status: closed
MatchID 14951725
Date Wednesday, 28 October 19:00
Calculated Wednesday, 28 October 20:47
map de_nuke
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Result Media
0 : 2
maniaX Gaming CS 1.6 wins !
Points 0 : +3
Wednesday, 28 October 20:25
Equality - [VL] - Despotis*
2.4 MB, Wednesday, 28 October 20:25, by 423417 (VL 1.6)
Friday, 30 October 01:26
HLTV Demo*
12.3 MB, Friday, 30 October 01:26, by 755004
Wednesday, 28 October 20:38
- - juventus*
21.7 MB, Wednesday, 28 October 20:38, by juventus (mX)
Wednesday, 28 October 20:39
24.3 MB, Wednesday, 28 October 20:39, by juventus (mX)
Wednesday, 28 October 20:40
15.4 MB, Wednesday, 28 October 20:40, by juventus (mX)
Wednesday, 28 October 20:35
- - MaFy*
1.4 MB, Wednesday, 28 October 20:35, by 2476975 (mX)
Wednesday, 28 October 20:39
- - MaFy d2*
25.1 MB, Wednesday, 28 October 20:39, by 2476975 (mX)
Wednesday, 28 October 20:41
- - MaFy nuke*
16.6 MB, Wednesday, 28 October 20:41, by 2476975 (mX)
Wednesday, 28 October 20:38
- maniaX` - MMb*
1.6 MB, Wednesday, 28 October 20:38, by 2452099 (mX)
Wednesday, 28 October 20:37
- mX] - tRASHK*
41.2 MB, Wednesday, 28 October 20:37, by 2543076 (mX)
Wednesday, 28 October 20:31
- - psee*
16.9 MB, Wednesday, 28 October 20:31, by PusE (mX)
Wednesday, 28 October 20:33
- - psee*
25.1 MB, Wednesday, 28 October 20:33, by PusE (mX)
Wednesday, 28 October 20:29
- - psee*
1.9 MB, Wednesday, 28 October 20:29, by PusE (mX)
Wednesday, 28 October 20:34
trashk aeq*
1.7 MB, Wednesday, 28 October 20:34, by 2543076 (mX)
* No longer available

maniaX Gaming CS 1.6

VatosLocos 1.6

VatosLocos vs. maniaX.eSports

--- de_nuke (1-16)---
1 - 14
0 - 2
--- de_dust2 (9-16) ---
7 - 8
2 - 8
maniaX Gaming CS 1.6
28/10/09 02:13
This it's our second match in Balckans and we will do our best to win again to be soure we have a place in playoffs in our pocket.
We don't expect a easy win but we are very confident in our playstyle.
VatosLocos 1.6
28/10/09 08:17
Its our second match on groupstage and we want as soon as possible to win this match and the next one to be in the next phase ! Enjoy the game gl hf!!~!!
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