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Sunday, 07 August 22:39,
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Sunday, 07 August 22:39,
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Sunday, 07 August 22:39,
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Sunday, 07 August 22:39,
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Sunday, 07 August 22:39,
by gex0r
No longer available
Modus Matchmode: best-of-three (1st Map vorgegeben, danach Losers Choice)
Termin: Das Turnier wird im Wochenrhythmus gespielt. Das bedeutet, dass ihr jeweils eine Woche Zeit habt euch einen Termin auszumachen und das Match zu spielen.
gl hf!
Statement Finally!
We are happy to take part of the playoffs and this match is a good occasion to make steam and wire updates :D
It's summer holidays, most of us don't really think about the game but I'm sure we will have some fun and may the best win.
Enjoy. |
Statement(cause of our french speaking friends this time in engl.)
After a more or less long season with some delays (as always :P) we have reached the playoffs of an ALM season once again. With probably the best team and results since years we remained unbeaten in our group and now ofc plan to continue our success.
Vaud is not an easy opponent but we are confident that we can win this match and go on in the playoffs - cause this time Salzburg aims for gold!!!
connect; password 10min vor match beginn
They Kick Ass by CKRAS.com
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